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The US Government’s Plot to Murder Julian Assange

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in reply to NightOwl

While the Trump administration dropped plans for Assange’s extrajudicial murder, neither it nor the Biden administration has turned away from killing him slowly in solitary confinement in Britain and, if the British appeals court agrees to his extradition, in an American super-maximum-security prison for the rest of his life.

Let’s not forget Obama, who initiated Assange’s slow, grinding political assassination.

in reply to NightOwl

And then people wonder why people like Snowden stay in Russia.
in reply to NightOwl

The article says the Trump administration considered killing Assange but gave up the idea. The article says that the new plan is to kill him by putting him in prison for the rest of his life. This isn't killing someone though. Language is meant to convey meaning, this is just word play.

Also, I don't really feel empathetic towards Assange, he acted as a Russian mouthpiece with his show on RT and his interference in the 2016 US presidential election.
From WaPo:
"Assange is a foreign national who reportedly collaborated with Russian intelligence to derail Clinton’s candidacy. As unredacted portions of the Mueller report show, during the 2016 presidential election campaign, WikiLeaks communicated both with Trump advisers and with Russian-intelligence (GRU) front organizations, DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0. WikiLeaks subsequently sought to cover up its connections with the GRU."

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to workerONE

The whole Russiagate thing is just ghost stories democrats tell themselves, and even if it were true it doesn't justify torturing anyone or threatening the very concept of journalism.
in reply to knfrmity

The Clintonian dynasty and their stans will look anywhere but in the mirror for their failures.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to workerONE

He's a human being and all candidates work for the same bosses, which aren't the people.
in reply to workerONE

Hilary lost cause she was a God awful candidate the establishment tried to force feed us. Had they gone with someone more viable, with less baggage, they would have won, irrespective of Russian interference
in reply to Bonskreeskreeskree

Hilary was less god-awful than Trump, and the leaks absolutely damaged her campaign. You sound like you are ok with Putin interfering with our elections.
in reply to derf82

Settling for less God awful sums up what brought America to this point perfectly
in reply to workerONE

Also, I don't really feel empathetic towards Assange, he acted as a Russian mouthpiece with his show on RT and his interference in the 2016 US presidential election.

I wish more people would see this. He isn’t some freedom fighter. He happily became Putin’s useful idiot and published the selective leaks Russia provided to swing the 2016 election to Trump. I find it hilarious that after that, Trump wanted to kill him.

in reply to derf82

The fact the you find it hilarious when you see evidence that directly contradicts your assumptions should be a clue as to where your defense against coming to grips with reality lies.

If Assange helped Trump at the behest of Trump's very powerful ally, why would Trump want to kill him?

Maybe the answer is that Assange did not actually help Trump at the behest of Trump's very powerful ally. Maybe the answer is that Putin is not Trump's very powerful ally. Maybe both of those things are true.

You are literally receiving the world's best propaganda from the USA which has a 100-year history of developing sophisticated anti-Russian propaganda and you're choosing to believe it despite Assange actually publishing documented evidence of US war crimes that put him in a position to be targeted by the most violent military intelligence apparatus in the world and you want to believe the story being told by the intelligence community through their mouthpieces in the government and the news media despite having direct evidence that contradicts your position?

Yeah, real hilarious.

in reply to derf82

I just read the whole wiki on assange, didn't see anything about selective leaking or any bias from him.

Could you please provide sauce for this claim?

Assange is a brilliant man and a hacktivist from what I read.

in reply to Goku

I get no paywall. I’m betting you want to stay willfully ignorant. Where do you think Assange/wikileaks got the info from the DNC?

Try Wikipedia

On December 9, 2016, the CIA told U.S. legislators that the U.S. Intelligence Community concluded Russia conducted operations during the 2016 U.S. election to prevent Hillary Clinton[13] from winning the presidency.[14] Multiple U.S intelligence agencies concluded people with direct ties to the Kremlin gave WikiLeaks hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee.[14]WikiLeaks did not reveal its source. Later Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, claimed that the source of the emails was not Russia or any other state.

in reply to derf82

This article doesn't even mention Assange's name.
in reply to Goku

The point is, it was selective. Russians hacked BOTH the RNC and DNC, then only sent the DNC information to Wikileaks. Assange was a moron that did exactly what Putin wanted him to and selectively hurt Democrats to help Trump.
in reply to workerONE

It scares me how many comments I see on this subject are something to the effect of "people don't deserve human rights unless I am able to empathize/agree with them."
in reply to livus

Everyone deserves human rights and you are being disingenuous to suggest that the OC was saying otherwise.

They said they didn't feel very empathetic toward Assange because he didn't follow the journalistic practices he claimed he was.

Nowhree did the OC say anything bad should happen to Assange, nowhere did they suggest anything that wasn't legal, they didn't really say they had any hopes about the outcome for him.

You are the one who tried to make this argument about human rights instead of about Julian Assange.

Weird how this happens in every thread about the guy. Almost like there are paid posters watching out for this stuff.

in reply to andyburke

Whew what a rollercoaster.

Me, reading your comment: Hmm, this comment by @andyburke is right, I was too hotheaded, I should apologize to the original poster.....

tried to make this argument about human rights

Me: ... it is about human rights tho...but maybe I jumped the gun a bit...

Weird how this happens in every thread about the guy. Almost like there are paid posters watching out for this stuff.

Me: .... record scratch followed by laughter. I'd love a job where I was paid to post the stuff I post, though.

Do you seriously think this corner of the fediverse is filled with people paid to change your opinion? These sites are in their infancy, way too small, the only shills around here are for fake Adderall. It's one of the things I like about it.

My advice to the paranoid is get yourself a kbin account so you can literally see who upvotes what. That will end your paranoia about cabals.

Unknown parent

First time someone from said something sensible
in reply to NightOwl

Hilary lost cause she was a God awful candidate the establishment tried to force feed us. Had they gone with someone more viable, with less baggage, they would have won, irrespective of Russian interference
in reply to NightOwl

Prosecuting Assange is a blow against freedom of press.